Trend: Huge Headlines
They go edge-to-edge and throw anything Dieter Rams has said (about how to introduce your brand) out the window.

Many websites with edge-to-edge titles also feature kinetic elements that transform into a smaller text within the navigation bar. These titles, set at 100vw (100% of the viewport width), undoubtedly grab attention and showcase the intricacies of various fonts, including traditional designs like ink traps. Neat.

Users Have Jobs To Do (Lives to Live)
Users “hire” products to complete tasks, like using headphones for music during a workout. Focusing on these tasks helps design effective, user-centric solutions, uncover unmet needs, and prioritise essential features.

Photo series: Sky
For years now, I've been capturing gradients in the sky. Straight from iPhone—no editing.

Lessons: Creating 3 Design Systems
Thousands of design tokens explored, hundreds of components built and rebuilt and countless refactors as I've learned better ways to do things.